马来西亚慈善机构 | 马来西亚慈善捐款 | 马来西亚临终关怀中心

To those who are interested in knowing more about the founding of I-Kasih Palliative Care Home (namely Pusat Jagaan I-Kasih). . . . . . .
I-Kasih Palliative Care Home Origin
Persatuan Kebajikan I-Kasih, JB was established in 2016. At first, it only provided food and free medical supplies to the poor, sick and injured at home.
The idea of opening a "palliative care home" came about after visiting a family one day in 2017. . .
This family create a strong impact on me (my heart is still pierced when I think of this family). I still remember when I received a call of a man telling me that one of his tenants was in a miserable situation, asking me to visit and provide whatever aid we could to help them. It was a family with only a mother and a daughter to depend on each other.
The mother was having pancreatic cancer that has spread to the stomach and was in the terminal stage of cancer. I went to visit the family according to the address.
She was lying on the bed, I went over to greet her and she ignored me, but she frowned and closed her eyes tightly, and she kept making a painful moan.
The daughter has quit her job for more than a month to take care of her mother at home. She, who used to be a hawker helper was facing the dilemma of having to work to survive and taking care of her mother at the same time. Seeing her mother struggling in pain, I asked the daughter why didn't she send her mother to the hospital? The daughter answered me in agitation that she had twice called an ambulance to take her to the hospital, but she was being sent back home after taking pain medicine. The pain remained soon after. When she went to the hospital for the second time, the doctor had told her to stop calling the ambulance because they had nothing to do for her. . . . . The daughter said that she had several times tried to strangle her mother and then commit suicide because she didn't want to see her mother in such agony.
When she was talking about this, her mother suddenly burst into tears, and she cried miserably. I told her that her mother could hear every word she said and she shouldn't say this in front of her mother as she would be very guilty for causing her all those troubles. When the girl heard me saying this, she fell on her mother's body, bursting into tears.
I stood there couldn't do anything but cry together. . . If, at that time, there was a care center that could look after her mother, the situation would be different.

Start planning for a palliative care home
So, a plan to open a free hospice center with a pleasant and healthy-living environment to receive poor terminal cancer patients and let them rest without worries there, was started. To be taken care of with dignity until they leave the world. We have been looking for a place to open a hospice center (now renamed the palliative care home) since 2018.
After searching, we finally found the current double-storey semi-detached house in Taman Jaya Mas, Skudai. After negotiating with the owner. Then, a rent-to-buy agreement was being signed, and the rent was RM3,200, which remains the same from 2018 till now (as of 2022, it is still in a leased state) Meanwhile, we were also trying hard to raise money to own the premise. The price of the house was RM850,000. According to the agreement, the owner must only sell it to I-Kasih. The agreement was signed in 2018, and later, we actively looking for someone to draw plan and apply for an extension permit (the original house was original without any renovation, see the picture), it took ten whole months from the application date to the approval date. During this period, city council officers gave us many reasons to delay the approval, and we were told that we could start the construction work while waiting for the permit, that everyone else was doing that. But in order not to be harassed by the relevant ministries or have the opportunity of bribery, we insisted on waiting until we have a legal renovation permit before starting the construction, and we just waited.
It took us ten months to get the permit, and finally the launching ceremony was launched on Christmas Eve on December 24, 2018. The expansion project officially started in January 2019.
The plan is to build two floors in the open space next to the house, with an elevator and an open-air fish pond on the side, the ward on the ground floor, the gathering area for relatives and friends and office and staff dormitory on the second floor but due to lacking of funds at the time, we planned to build the ward on the ground floor first, for the cancer patients to stay there for a period of time while we continued to raise enough funds for the second floor.
I didn’t dare to run the project too fast. I was afraid that the fund raised would not catch up with the progress.
While doing it, it was more than a year after the start of the renovation, when the ground floor was nearly completed and the date was set for the opening. . .

Visit of an angel
A noble angel visits. A lady took the initiative to contact me. She wanted to visit the care home, so I received her to visit and explained the facilities and service we would provide. Then, to my surprise, she said: "Mr Wong, don't wait until you have received the patient before building the second floor, because this will disturb the patients' rest, I will give you a sum of money now, you can go ahead with your whole plan! Don't start accepting patients until the second floor is finished! ”. She, whom I had never met before gave me a RM500,000 cheque, and I was so excited that I almost shed tears! What a great encouragement to me that someone I don't know can give me so much trust! Therefore, the original opening plan was temporarily put on hold.
On the other hand, we were intensively preparing for the construction of the second building. Despite the planning of men, the heaven overrules. The Covid Pandemic broke out when the second building construction was almost 80% done. The second floor project was being suspended for a long time and resumed for a short period of time. Finally, after the government eased control in the post-epidemic period, it officially resumed.
However, facing the shortage of labours and the substantial increase in the price of building materials, in the state of having insufficient funds, we could only slow down while doing and raising, while raising and doing.
It was finally completed in October 2022 under a lot of difficult circumstances, and the first batch of cancer patients was officially received on 1/11/2022. . . .

- 露天⻥池,从底楼病房可以看到阳光从天井照下来,下⾬的时候也有⾬⽔直接滴在⽔池,这让⻓期卧床不能⾏动的病患可以感受天⽓的变化,不⾄于与世隔绝。
- 户外宽敞度假⻛洗⼿间,尽量避免造成室内空⽓异味弥漫。
- 流动洗刷推⻋,可以推去卧床病患身边以清洁的⽔为病患洗刷身躯。
- 流动床帘,病床的围帘是固定装置在病床上⾯,当病床按照病患的需求推去任何地⽅的时候都有围帘围着,确保病患有隐私。
- ⼆楼亲友欢聚区,因为避免⼲扰其他病患,所以病房内只能限制每次两⼈探访同⼀个病患,但在⼆楼亲友欢聚区就没有限制⼈数了,所以当多名亲友到来的时候,可以坐轮椅的癌友就可以在⼯作⼈员的陪同下进⼊电梯到⼆楼与其他的亲友欢聚。
Specially designed
I-Kasih Palliative Care Home is a centre specially designed to receive terminal cancer patients, so some facilities or equipment are specially designed for them.
For example:
- The open-air fish pond, from the ward on the ground floor, you can see the sun shining in from the patio. So, patients who are immobile for a period of time can feel the changes in the weather without being isolated from the world.
- Spacious outdoor bathrooms to avoid air odour to permeate.
- The mobile washing-up equipment that can be pushed to the side of the bedridden patient to wash the body of the patient with clean water.
- The mobile bed curtain, the curtain of the hospital bed is a fixed device on the bed, when the bed is pushed to any place according to the needs of the patient, there is a curtain surrounding it to ensure patients' privacy.
- Family and friends gathering area on the second floor. To avoid disturbing other patients, only two people in the ward can visit the same patient at a time. There is no limit to the number of people in the gathering area, so when multiple relatives and friends arrive, cancer patients who can ride in wheelchairs can enter the elevator accompanied by the staff, going to the second floor to gather with other relatives and friends.
From scratch
I-Kasih Palliative Care Home took more than 4 years and cost more than 1.5 million from the beginning of the site search to the completion and opening.
1.5 million is an astronomical amount for a small charity organization with no consortium background and no fixed sponsor support, but with the support and helping of many angels, the power of belief and the spirit of persevering to the end, it has finally been realized. This is just the beginning. We need everyone to work together with us in future to serve the vulnerable terminal cancer friends. It is really beautiful to have your participation in our charity work.